Archive for April 2013


Sumatera Selatan merupakan salah satu propinsi terbaik di Indonesia, memiliki berbagai potensi luar biasa yang mampu mensejahterakan kehidupan rakyatnya. Oleh karena itulah pemerintah propinsi di bawah komando sang Gubernur secara bor-borran mengantarkan Sumsel ke depan pintu gemilang. Dalam rangka menuju Sumsel Gemilang banyak cara telah ditempuh oleh pemerintah dan didukung oleh rakyat, berikut ini ada empat kegemilangan sumsel yang telah terlaksana kan diteruskan.
Spanduk Berobat Gratis
 Pandangan masyarakat terhadap rumah sakit kini telah berubah 180 derajat sejak adanya program ini. Dulu, biaya pengobatan untuk “penyembuhan” harganya mampu “menyakitkan” pasien sehingga sakit yang di alami berpindah dari tubuh ke dalam kantong. Namun setelah adanya program berobat gratis ini, masyarkat menegah kebawah akhirnya bisa mendapatkan pengobatan secara gratis. Bukan hanya pengobatan saja yang gratis, rujukan berobat untuk ke luar negeri pun bisa gratis. Selain berobat gratis, pemerintah kerap kali mengadakan sunatan massal guna memfasilitasi generasi muda sumsel yang ingin  Karena kesehatan adalah hal yang sangat penting sehingga harus dapat dinikmati seluruh penduduk propinsi yang gemilang.
SMAN SUMSEL, full beasiswa
Siapa bilang sekolah itu harus bayar mahal ??  setelah meluncurnya program sekolah gratis, seluruh sekolah negeri di Sumsel bebas dari iuran alias gratis ! tidak hanya itu juga, banyak sekolah berbasis beasiswa salah satunya SMAN Sumatera Selatan. Sekolah ini membebaskan siswanya dari berbagai jenis biaya dan terlebih mendapat fasilitas yang waw.  Dana tersebut ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh pemerintah propinsi. Sehingga pendidikan di sumsel dapat dinikmati seluruh masyarakatnya tanpa harus mengalami beban finansial. Perlu blogger ketahui bahwa sumsel adalah propinsi pertama yang membebaskan biaya sekolah bagi seluruh pelajarnya ! Kita harus bangga untuk menjadi seorang warga Sumsel, dan para pelajar di Sumsel pun harus dapat memajukan propinsinya melalui pendidikan yang gemilang.
Sekolah Harus Gratis !
SUMSEL free Wi-Fi area
Bukan cuma korea aja yang punya koneksi wifi di mana-mana, sejak diluncurkan tahun 2012 silam Sumsel sekarang sudah memiliki beberapa hotspot wi-fi gratis yang dimulai dari kawasan Palembang hingga ke daerah sekitarnya. Wifi area tersebut setidaknya telah memiliki 15 hotspot di sekitar palembang dan akan terus ditambah hingga memenuhi seluruh propinsi sumsel. 15 titik di Palembang antara lain dari Bandara SMB2, kantor DPRD, PS mall, PTC Mall, Griya Agung, Kawasan Kambang Iwak, dan 9 titik lainnya. Program ini di tujukan kepada masyarakat Sumsel agar dapat melek internet. Masyarakat juga tentunya dapat menikmati layanan internet gratis guna kelancaran dalam memperoleh informasi di internet yang tak lain dan  tak bukan untuk menuju Sumsel yang lebih gemilang.

Sumsel jadi lumbungnya Indonesia
Sebagai salah satu propinsi dengan sumber daya alam yang melimpah, Sumsel di tunjuk sebagai lumbung pangan dan energi nasional. Hal ini tentunya patut dibanggakan karena sebagai lumbung pangan nasional tentunya masyarakat sumsel memiliki suplai energi dan pangan yang mencukupi. Walaupun pemerintah merasa program ini belum mencapai potensi maksimalnya, Gubernur Sumsel akan terus melanjutkan program ini setelah sebelumnya akan dievaluasi terlebih dahulu.

Nah, itulah empat kegemilangan Sumsel yang nantinya mampu membawa masyarakatnya menuju kehidupan berbangsa yang lebih baik. Harapan kita para generasi muda adalah pemerintah harus mampu mempertahankan program-program yang telah teresekusi dengan baik. selain mempertahankan, pengembangan dan pembaharuan juga perlu dilaksanankan supaya propinsi tercinta ini semakin gemilang di Indonesia atau bahkan di mata internasional SumSel bisa mengharumkan nama Indonesia dengan kegemilangannya.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Posted by Unknown

Octavarium Analysys

Dream Theater's eighth studio album, Octavarium, is their most complex, reference and nugget-ridden album yet. In a radio interview, Mike Portnoy admitted that the album is basically one giant nugget.
This is my attempt to gather everything known about Octavarium into one long page. I'd like to thank the folks at the forums for finding most of this stuff. They have way too much time on their hands ;)

The overlying them of Octavarium is the idea of things going in cycles, repeating themselves, and ending in the same place they begin. An octave in music (which the word Octavarium is likely based on) starts and ends on the same note. Octavarium also provides a logical continuation from Train of Thought, as it starts on the same note (F) that the song In the Name of God ends with. This continuation pattern has been going on since the album Scenes From a Memory.
A symbol you might see quite a bit in the Octavarium artwork is an octagon circumscribed around a 5-pointed star. These numbers, 8 and 5, figure prominently in Octavarium and Dream Theater in general, and are littered everywhere throughout this album.
Looking at the history of the word Octavarium reveals very little. The only historical record of it is a historical book in the Vatican called the Octavarium Romanum. It consists mainly of lessons regarding various Catholic feasts. Notable in its history, however, is many 5's and 8's. The book was first mentioned underthe pontification of Sixtus V (1585-1590) (Sixtus the FIFTH in FIFTEEN EIGHTY FIVE) and then was not mentioned again until it was brought up under Clement VIII (1592-1605) (that's Clement the EIGHTH).
Anyways, on to the main symbolism for the numbers 5 and 8.
- Octavarium - 5 syllables, consonants, and vowels, DT's 8th studio album
- 5 current members of Dream Theater
- 8 total members in the band's history (this does not include Chris Collins as he was only a part of Majesty)
- DT has 5 official live albums (at the point of Octavarium's release)
- DT formed in 1985
- The Octavarium World Tour began with a European Festival series, which appeared in eight countries (Sweden, Holland, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, Italy, France, and Belgium)
- 5 of the 8 songs on this album were recorded with Mike "Hammer of the Gods" kit, the 8th drum kit he has used in his career
The most obvious nugget here is that the album jacket contains 8 pages. The front of the jacket (also the front of the case when folded out revealses a full Newton's Cradle with 8 balls. This physics toy always repeats the same motion over and over again, emphasizing this album's theme. There are also 5 birds in the picture, forming a piano octave - the balls being the white keys and the birds being the black keys. This theme of octaves is continued throughout the entire album.
On the insides of the the front and back covers of the jacket, there is a boy with a can attached to a string. The idea is that the beginning and end are connected--everything ending where it begins. On one side the boy is speaking into the can and on the other side he is listening. Perhaps the boy can tell information he has gained by the end to the boy at the beginning. Even when you have learned a lot through a journey, you are still stuck in the Octavarium, the endless cycle. Note that three fingers are visible in one picture and five in the other.
Behind the lyrics to The Answer Lies Within is a depiction oftwo dominoes.One totals 5 and the other 8. There are three birds that perhaps represent the three former members of Dream Theater, Charlie Dominici, Kevin Moore, and Derek Sherinian, the flying two being the keyboardists, and the one and the domino being the singer. Opposite the lyrics to These Walls is a spider (8-legged creature) inside an 8-sided maze. The maze has five layers and although there are 8 doorways in the maze, there are also 8 dead ends and there is no way for the spider to escape the maze, thus the spider is trapped within "these walls."
Opposite the lyrics to Never Enough and Sacrificed Sons is an octopus (8 tentacles this time) with 5 fish, and a stop sign (8 sides) with the Majesty symbol.
The next illustration is a peculiar blueprint of a star inside of an octagon. There are many more references to 5's and 8's here, many of them more subtle. One that is not subtle, is the scale (5:8), and the fact that it is labelled as figure 8. The dimensions are 29' 6.75" square, with right triangles with legs of 8' 8" cut out. There are spaces in each wall 5' 8" wide. The F Lydian scale is spelled out starting at the leftmost side and going clockwise. One can also find the chromatic scale with accidentals inserted in the proper places. There are doors on four sides of the object, with only the south door open. This possibly symbolizes that you can enter the room, go around it, but the exit is the same as the entrance.
On the next page, the boy is seen again, and then the members of Dream Theater as the black keys of a piano.
Finally, on the inside of the case behind the CD is a pool 8 ball with the Majesty symbol on it.
On the back of the jacket, you'll see part of a piano. Note that each octave on a piano has 8 white keys and 5 black keys. Each white key represents a song off the album - in order, starting with F. In fact, these notes are the minors of the key the song is in.
But where the the black keys, the accidentals fit in? Well if you look carefully you'll see that the track times on the back of the CD appear to be incorrect. They only add up to 73:26, when any CD player will tell you that the CD is 75:55. Interestingly enough, 5 of the tracks have negative time that makes up the missing 2:18. Not only do each of these negative time tracks represent the accidental, but they are also in the key of the relative minor of the accidental.
Jos Durkstra has written an interesting analysis of the numbers in the Octavarium theme, available here.
TrackTime SegmentSongPiano Key
(and minor key of song)
10:00 - 8:07The Root Of All EvilF
18:08 - 8:25Nature Sounds (Negative Time)F#
20:00 - 5:20The Answer Lies WithinG
25:21 - 5:33Pitch Bend (Negative Time)G#
30:00 - 6:59These WallsA
37:00 - 7:36Wind / Heartbeat / Chimes (Negative Time)A#
40:00 - 4:29I Walk Beside YouB
50:00 - 7:16Panic AttackC
57:17 - 8:13Synth Solo (Negative Time)C#
60:00 - 6:33Never EnoughD
66:34 - 6:46Voices Begin (Negative Time)D#
70:00 - 10:42Sacrificed SonsE
80:00 - 24:00OctavariumF
Octavarium starts out an octave higher than The Root Of All Evil, though in the same key.
What follows is a song-by-song list of references, nuggets, and analytical comments. Most of the meat lies in the song Octavarium.
The Root Of All Evil
Proud enough for you to call me arrogant
Greedy enough for you to be labeled a theif
Angry enough for me to go and hurt a man
Cruel enough for me to feel no grief
Never could have just a part of it
I always need more to get by
Getting right down to the heart of it
The root of all evil has been running my whole life
Dirty enough for me to lust
Leaving nothing left to trust
Jealous enough to still feel envious
Lazy enough to sleep all day
And let my life just waste away
Selfish enough to make you wait for me
Driven blindly by our sins
Misled so easily
Entirely ready to leave it behind
I'm begging to break free
Take all of me
The desires that keep burning deep inside
Cast them all away
And help to give me strength to face another day
I am ready
Help me be what I can be
Self-centered fear has got a hold on me
Clutching my thoat
Self righteous anger running all through me
Ready to explode
Procrastination paralyzing me
Wanting me dead
These obsessions that keep haunting me
Won't leave my head
Help to do for me what I can't do myself
Take this fear and pain
I can't break out of this prison all alone
Help me break these chains
Humility now my only hope
Won't you take all of me
Heal this dying soul
I can feel my body breaking
I can feel my body breaking
I'm ready to let it all go
I can feel my body shaking
Right down to the foundation
The root of it all
Take all of me
And the drive that keep burning deep inside
Cast it all away
And help to give me strength to face another day
I am ready
Help me be what I can be
I am ready
Come to me
Take me away
The Answer Lies Within
Look around
Where do you belong
Don't be afraid
You're not the only one
Don't let the day go by
Don't let it end
Don't let a day go by in doubt
The answer lies within
Life is short
So learn from your mistakes
And stand behind
The choices that you make
Face each day
With both eyes open wide
And try to give
Don't keep it all inside
Don't let the day go by
Don't let it end
Don't let a day go by in doubt
The answer lies within
You've got the future on your side
You're gonna be fine now
I know whatever you decide
You're gonna shine
Don't let the day go by
Don't let it end
Don't let a day go by in doubt
You're ready to begin
Don't let a day go by in doubt
The answer lies within
These Walls
This is so hard for me
To find the words to say
My thoughts are standing still
Captive inside of me
All emotions start to hide
And nothing's getting through
Watch me
I'm losing
All my instincts
Falling into darkness
Tear down these walls for me
Stop me from going under
You are the only one who knows
I'm holding back
It's not too late for me
To keep from sinking further
I'm trying to find my way out
Tear down these walls for me now
So much uncertainty
I don't like this feeling
I'm sinking like a stone
Each time I try to speak
There's a voice I'm hearing
And it changes everything
Watch me
Crawl from
The wreckage
Of my silence
Tear down these walls for me
Stop me from going under
You are the only one who knows
I'm holding back
It's not too late for me
To keep from sinking further
I'm trying to find my way out
Tear down these walls
Every time you choose to run away
Is it worth the price you pay
Is there someone who will wait for you
One more time
One more time
Watch me
I'm losing
All my instincts
Falling into darkness
Tear down these walls for me
Stop me from going under
You are the only one who knows
I'm holding back
It's not too late for me
To keep from sinking further
I'm trying to find my way out
Tear down these walls for me now
Tear down these walls for me
It's not too late for me
Tear down these walls for me
I Walk Beside You
There's a story in your eyes
I can see the hurt behind your smile
For every sign I recognize
Another one escapes me
Let me know what plagues your mind
Let me be the one to know you best
Be the one to hold you up
When you feel like you're sinking
Tell me once again
What's beneath the pain you're feeling
Don't abandon me
Or think you can't be saved
I walk beside you
Wherever you are
Whatever it takes
No matter how far
Through all that may come
And all that may go
I walk beside you
I walk beside you
Summon up your ghosts for me
Rest your tired thoughts upon my hands
Step inside this sacred place
When all your dreams seem broken
Resonate inside this temple
Let me be the one who understands
Be the one to carry you
When you can walk no further
Tell me once again
What's below the surface bleeding
If you've lost your way
I will take you in
I walk beside you
Wherever you are
Whatever it takes
No matter how far
Through all that may come
And all that may go
I walk beside you
I walk beside you
Oh when everything is wrong
Oh when hopelessness surrounds you
Oh the sun will rise again
The tide you swim against will carry you back home
So don't give up
Don't give in
I walk beside you
Wherever you are
Whatever it takes
No matter how far
Through all that may come
And all that may go
I walk beside you
I walk beside you
Panic Attack
All wound up
On the edge
Sleep disturbed
Restless mind
Bouts of fear
All I see
Threatens me
I am paralyzed
So afraid to die
Caught off guard
Warning signs
Never show
Tension strikes
Choking me
Worries grow
Why do I feel so numb
Is it something to do with where I come from
Should this be fight or flight
I don't know why I'm constantly so uptight
Rapid heartbeat pounding through my chest
Agitated body in distress
I feel like I'm in danger
Daily life is strangled by my stress
A stifling surge
Shooting through all my veins
Extreme apprehension
Suddenly I'm insane
Lost all hope for redemption
A grave situation desperate at best
Why do I feel so numb
Is it something to do with where I come from
Should this be fight or flight
I don't know why I'm constantly reeling
Helpless hysteria
A false sense of urgency
Trapped in by my phobia
Possessed by anxiety
Try to hide
Overwhelmed by this complex delirium
Never Enough
Cut myself open wide
Reach inside
Help yourself
To all I have to give
And then you help yourself again
And then complain that
You didn't like the way
I put the knife in wrong
You didn't like the way
My blood spilled on your brand new floor
What would you say
If I walked away
Would you appreciate
But then it'd be too late
Because I can only take so much of your ungrateful ways
Everything is never enough
Sacrifice my life
Neglect my kids and wife
All for you to be happy
All those sleepless nights
And countless fights to give you more
And then you say how dare that
I didn't write you back
I must be too good for you
I only care about myself
What would you say
If I walked away
Would you appreciate
But then it'd be too late
Because I can only take so much of your ungrateful ways
Everything is never enough
Sacrificed Sons
Walls are closing
Channel surfing
Burning City
Smoke and fire
Plane's we're certain
Faith inspired
No clues
A complete suprise
Who'll be
Coming home tonight
Heads all turning
Towards teh sky
Towers crumble
Heroes die
Who would wish this on
On our people
And proclaim
That His will be done
Scriptures they heed have misled them
All praise their Sacrificed sons
All praise their Sacrificed sons
Teach them
What to think and feel
Your ways
So enlightening
Words they preach
I can't relate
If God's true Love
Are acts of Hate
Who would wish this on
On our people
And proclaim
That His will be done
Scriptures they heed have misled them
All praise their Sacrificed sons
All praise their Sacrificed sons
God on High
Our mistake
Will mankind be extinct?
there's no time to waste
Who serves the truth
For Heavens' sake
I never wanted to become someone like him so secure
Content to live each day just like the last
I was sure I knew that
This was not for me
And I wanted so much more
Far beyond what I could see
So I swore that I'd
Never be someone like him
So many years have passed
Since I proclaimed
My independence
My mission
My aim
And my vision
So secure
Content to live each day like it's my last
It's wonderful to know
That I could be
Something more than what I dreamed
Far beyond what I could see
Still I swear that I'm
Missing out this time
As far as I could tell
There's nothing more I need
But still I ask myself
Could this be everything
Then all I swore
That I would never be was now
So suddenly
The only thing
I wanted
To become
To be someone just like him
A Doctor sitting next to me
He asks me how I feel
Not sure I understand his questioning
He says I've been away awhile
But thinks he has cured me
From a state of catatonic sleep
For 30 years
Where have I been
Eyes open
But not getting through to me
Medicate me
Infiltrate me
Side effects appear
As my conscience slips away
Medicate me
Science failing
Conscience fading fast
Can't you stop what's happening
A higher dosage he prescribes
But there's no guarentee
I feel it starting to take over me
I tell him not to be ashamed
There's no one who's to blame
A second shot
A brief awakening
I feel the relapse
Can't break free
Eyes open
But not getting through to me
sailing on the seven seize the day tripper diem's ready
jack the ripper owens wilson phillips and my supper's ready
lucy in the sky with diamond dave's not here I come to save the
day for nightmare cinema show me the way to get back home
Running forward
Falling back
Spinning round and round
Looking outward
Reaching in
Scream without a sound
Leaning over
Crawling up
Stumbling all around
Losing my place
Only to find I've come full circle
flying off the handle with careful with
that axe eugene gene the dance machine
messiah light my fire gabba gabba
hey hey my my generation's home again
Running forward
Falling back
Spinning round and round
Looking outward
Reaching in
Scream without a sound
Leaning over
Crawling up
Stumbling all around
Losing my place
Only to find I've come full circle
Our deadly sins feel his mortal wrath
Remove all obstacles from our path
Asking questions
Search for clues
The answer's been right in front of you
Try to break through
Long to connect
Fall on deaf ears and failed muted breath
Loyalty, trust, faith and desire
Carries love through each darkest fire
Tortured Insanity
A smothering hell
Try to escape but to no avail
The calls of admirers
Who claim they adore
Drain all your lifeblood while begging for more
Innocent victims of merciless crimes
Fall prey to some madmen's impulsive designs
Step after step
We try controlling our fate
When we finally start living it has become too late
Trapped inside this Octavarium
Trapped inside this Octavarium
Trapped inside this Octavarium
Trapped inside this Octavarium
We move in circles
Balanced all the while
On a gleaming razor's edge
A perfect sphere
Colliding with our fate
This story ends where it began
Many people have guessed that because of the way this album ends, it signifies an end to Dream Theater's music writing career. As evidenced by continued releases, this is not the case. What this in fact likely signified was the end of Dream Theater's contract with their record company. Since Octavarium, Dream Theater has joined Roadrunner Records.
The Root Of All EvilMusical References:
- The footsteps are a possible reference to Scenes From A Memory
- The intro with the toms is a reference to This Dying Sould 0:25 - 1:00
- The intro is reminiscent of Pink Floyd's "Welcome to the Machine"
- The first guitar chord during the intro before the drums is the same chord played during the When Dream and Day Unite concert intros in 1989. This can also be heard on the menu screen for the WD&DR DVD
- Vocals from 4:55 to 5:16 closely mirror those from This Dying Soul
- Solo break at 5:18 is very similar to the one from The Glass Prison
- Octavarium melody variation appears at 7:33 - 8:02
- The piano starts with F, the same note that In The Name Of God ended with on Train of Thought
The Root Of All Evil discusses steps six and seven of the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step program.
The Answer Lies Within
Musical References:
- At 2:36 a violin in the background plays a variation on the Octavarium theme
- Octavarium vocal melody at 2:42 - 2:48
- During the hidden accidental section at the end of this track there is a pitch bend that sounds very similar to an unexplained pitch bend at the end of Pink Floyd's "Great Gig in the Sky"
- Bell at the beginning tolls 8 times (this is the same note as The Glass Prison bell)
These Walls
- The heartbeat at the end is beating at 58 bpm
I Walk Beside You
Musical References:
- The clock ticking is a possible reference to Scenes From A Memory
- The guitar during the chorus sounds a bit like Lifting Shadows off a Dream
- The entire song sounds very much like U2
I Walk Beside You might refer to Jesus helping someone through all aspects of life.
Panic Attack
Musical References:
- Tourniquette “Skeezix Delima” riff at 0:15
- Iron Maiden dual guitar line at 5:43
- Piano part at 1:27 - 1:43 sounds very much like Fatal Tragedy
- The final riff sounds in each speaker 5 times (includes the first time the riff is played as well as the very faint one at the end)
- The hidden accidental section is slighly similar to Pink Floyd's "Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In a Cave and Grooving With a Pict"
Never Enough
Musical References:
- The entire song sounds very much like Muse
- The melody of the chorus is reminiscent of one of Gilmour's solos from the Live at Pompeii version of Pink Floyd's "Echoes"
This song is Mike Portnoy's rant on particularly ungrateful fans who are always wanting more no matter what MP gives them in his musical career.
Sacrificed Sons
Musical References:
- Beatle's "She's So Heavy" outro feel at 3:35
- 4:41 draws from A Change of Seasons, Peruvian Skies, Fatal Tragedy, and Rush's "Natural Science"
- 7:02 - 7:32 is the melody of "Teddy Bear's Picnic," a kid's nursery rhyme
- Similar riff to main theme in "Ants Invasion" by "Adam and the Ants"
There are eight different voice clips played at the beginning of this song.
Sacrificed Sons discusses the effects and motivations of 9/11.
Musical References:
- 0:00 - 3:48 draws from Pink Floyd's "Shine On You Crazy Diamond," Tangerine Dream, Marty Friedman's "Scenes," and Queen's "Bijou"
- 3:49 - Spock's Beard theme
- 4:33 - Änglagård flute “Godfather” theme similarities
- 6:33 - Bohemian Rhapsody piano theme
- 9:00 - During the bass groove the guitar arpeggio plays Anna Lee's verse vocal melody, this bass groove is also similar to the one in Yes's "Heart of the Sunrise"
- 12:15 - Marillion keyboards with Wakeman flourish
- 12:17 - Styx's Sequential Circuites Prophet 5 synth part
- 17:47 - Jingle Bells on keyboards
- 17:55 - Spock's Beard / Neal Morse acoustic guitar break
- 18:43 - Dave Mustaine vocal style with "Forgotten Sons" prayer feel
- 19:55 - Godfather theme reprise
- 21:30 - Guitar tone is very Brian May AC30ish and the phrasing is very similar to his
- A vocal harmony is Razor's Edge is also used in "Get Back" by The Beatles (which interestingly enough is referenced in Full Circle)
- 14:03 - A sample of someone saying "This is where we came in" plays. This sample is most likely referencing Pink Floyd's "The Wall." At the end of The Wall someone says "So this is where..." and at the beginning some says "...we came in." This is probably emphasis of Octavarium's focus on how things go in cycles and repeat, the end is the beginning. This also is a reference to their influences growing up as the coming lyrics signify.
- Note that Octavarium has 5 parts. It also has 3 instrumental sections, for a total of 8 sections. Octavarium also has 5 syllables.
- Octavarium is 24 minutes long (3*8), this also references the number of hours in a day, another cycle.
SOMEONE LIKE HIM seems to draw from the Carpe Diem theme that A Change of Seasons made so famous. The narrator wants to make the most of every day, unlike the unknown "him" who seems to be living a boring, routined life. At the end, it is possible that the change in viewpoint is due to an illness taking over him, which is described in the next section of the song.
Another theory about this section is that it talks about John Petrucci's music career, first admiring his idols but not wanting to become a musician, and eventually changing his mind and realizing what he wanted all along.
MEDICATE (AWAKENING) tells a story similar to the movie Awakenings from Robert Deniro's point of view.
This section draws on the Full Circle theme, starting with a catatonic sleep and ending with it.
Another theory is that this section is that it discusses James LaBrie's dealings with his mental and physical health, as well as the vocal surgery he had to have before the Waking Up The World tour.
Yet another theory proposes that this section is connected to the songs Disappear and Vacant. In Disappear, someone is going into a coma. In Vacant, another person is speaking about the victim, and in Medicate, the victim is waking up again. I find this theory unlikely since I'm pretty sure Disappear is more about death than going into a coma, but it is fascinating that whether or not Dream Theater intended it, you can find other meanings and links between many of their songs.
FULL CIRCLE is where Octavarium's cycles theme really shows up. Perhaps the band is suggesting that they have taken the place of their idols in the music world or industry.
Stanzas 1 and 4 of part III are entirely made up of musical and other references.
Sailing on the Seven Seas - OMD (song)
also possibly Seven Seas of Rhye - Queen (song)
Seize the Day - Theme of A Change of Seasons and the movie Dead Poet's Society
Day Tripper - The Beatles (song)
Per Diem - Latin phrase and business term meaning "each day"
Carpe Diem is Latin for "Seize the Day"
Jack the Ripper - Morrissey (song)
The Ripper - Judas Priest (song)
Ripper Owens - Vocalist of Iced Earth (ex-Judas Priest)
Owen Wilson - Actor
Wilson Phillips - Band
Supper's Ready - Genesis (song)
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - The Beatles (song)
Diamond Dave - David Lee Roth (album)
Dave's Not Here - Cheech & Chong routine
Here I Come to Save the Day - Mighty Mouse quote
Day for Night - Spock's Beard (album and song)
Nightmare Cinema - Dream Theater’s opposite in 1995, where they would switch instruments and play a cover, usually of Deep Purple's "Perfect Strangers"
Cinema Show - Genesis (song)
Show Me the Way - Styx (song)
Get Back - The Beatles (song)
Flying off the Handle - quote
Handle with Care - Travelling Wilburys (song)
Careful with that Axe, Eugene - Pink Floyd (song)
Gene, Gene the Dance Machine - Memorable act on The Gong Show
Machine Messiah - Yes (song)
Light My Fire - The Doors (song)
Gabba Gabba Hey Hey - The Ramones (lyrics)
Hey Hey, My My - Neil Young (song)
My Generation - The Who (song)
Home Again - from "Breathe" reprise and "Time" on Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon
The alternate theory suggests that this is about Mike Portnoy dealing with his mental health on the road.
In INTERVALS you can hear Mike Portnoy say a scale degree before each stanza. Each stanza references a song on Octavarium and a clip of that song is played in the background. The titling of this section, Intervals, ties in with MP saying scale degrees and the layouts of the songs with negative time sections and such, corresponding to a progression through the notes in an octave (the term 'interval' in music theory refers to the difference between two notes or pitches). Intervals are often referred to in numbers of steps. This section of the song ends with "Step after step, we try controlling our fate" just after MP says "octave." This could have a double meaning, referring to trying to control one's life or fate through steps, meaning either plans and actions, or musical notes - the latter expressing Dream Theater trying to control their lives through the notes of the music they make. This phrase could also have a third meaning, referring to MP tring to control his life through the twelve "steps" of the Alcoholics Anonymous program.
MP says "Root"
"Take all of me" (from 3:03 in The Root Of All Evil) plays in the background
MP says "Second"
"Don't let the day go by" (from 4:21 in The Answers lies Within) plays in the background
MP says "Third"
A clip from These Walls plays in the background
MP says "Fourth"
"I walk beside you" (from 1:06 in I Walk Beside You) plays in the background
MP says "Fifth"
"Hysteria" (from 3:55 in Panic Attack) plays in the background
MP says "Sixth"
"What would you say" (from 3:03 in Never Enough) plays in the background
MP says "Seventh"
A clip from Sacrificed Sons plays in the background
MP says "Octave"
"Side effects appear" (from 11:52 in Octavarium part II) plays in the background
These lyrics express how this cycle of the ending being the beginning goes on forever and there is no escaping it. It's possible that DT is talking about the fact that their career has come full circle, and now, after eight studio albums, they are without a record label again, their lives as musicians are repeating themselves.
The song ends with the same piano note the album began with, emphasizing the story ending where it began.
The Root Of All Evil starts with part 6 and Octavarium ends with part 5. While TROAE starts at 6 because it's part of MP's Alcoholic's Anonymous series, it also creates a logical sequence between the beginning and ending of the album.
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